Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wealth: January Dividend Income

Part of investing in dividend growth stocks is trusting in the process. There are going to be some good months and there are going to be some bad months. The trick is to try to align for dividend payments to be about equal every month. This is a trick that I have not yet mastered. As one can see from last years dividend payments, I might be a little off as far as consistency goes.

I can't give up though. The dividend snowball is a slow moving process at the start as you try to build up a good enough roll to get it moving. While months like this January may have felt small in comparison to some other months or small in comparison to where I thought it might be by now, it is still an amount of money that I wouldn't otherwise have.

It's good to keep this lesson at the forefront of my mind as I don't want to start straying from this path. If I think too much about other "get rich quick" schemes, I may find myself potentially falling for them and that just simply will not do! It simply will not do at all - not one bit! One has to remember the other types of dividends that have been given through the month.

For example, I have been blessed with excellent health. In years past, I have been horribly plagued by various sicknesses that find their way into my system. This year however, I have made sure to take extra steps to combat them through the winter. These steps include but are not limited to cutting off my supply of soda. In fact, I've all but extinguished my taste for it. Though I hardly expected myself ever to get to this point, I feel that without it I am a much brighter individual and I have less sugar crashes through the day. It's a nice change.

Now, let's get to counting the dividends for the month of January as I'm sure that is what most of you have come to this post to read about. I won't delay you any longer! Have at it!

January Dividends Received:
RAI - $14.26
WMT - $8.00
RCL - $5.28
STAG - $1.74
GE - $6.00

Total January Dividend Income: $35.28
Total 2017 Dividend Income: $35.28

It's just a hair above the income received in January of last year. The previous year, in 2016, brought in a total of $33.30. While it's not a big jump ahead of the previous year, I can rest easy knowing that it's at the very least not a step back. Moving forward, I will be concentrating on trying to level out the portfolio so that some months don't stand so far ahead of others. That way each month can give a more even boost to the months ahead.


  1. Well done for the start of 2017 that isn't too bad. Hoping your 2017 is a good one.

    1. It's a start. Here's to hoping for much larger numbers as the year progresses :)

  2. Well done. You are showing progress and that's what counts with your year over year dividend income stream. Whether you blow away your numbers or beat it by a hair, progress is progress. I'm still watching STAG though not ready to initiate a position yet. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. Every little bit helps to keep me on track - even when it's like this month and only a few dollar difference in an upward motion.

  3. A growth is a growth, even if its a small one, good start in 2017. The first month of every quarter is a weird month for me also and its so disproportional to other months. Good luck in the remaining 11 months :)

    1. Thank you :)! I'm glad that it's like this for a lot of people. Makes me feel a lot better when there are more people in the same boat!

  4. I try not to worry about what month my dividends pay me, except for my monthly dividend payers. I try to buy the best stock possible. When I am closer to using my dividends as my regular income, I may change my mind.
    Good luck balancing your portfolio the way you want it.
