Thursday, September 1, 2016

Dividend Income: August

The best time of the month has finally come. It's time to compile all the dividends received and see just how much is sitting at the bottom of the passive income coin jar. Although this month was not the most extravagant that the blog has ever seen, it wasn't exactly dead either. Let's see what we brought in this month:

Dividend Income: August

STAG - STAG Industrial - $1.74
ABBV - Abbvie - $5.70
YUM - Yum Brands - $3.22

Total: $10.66
Total Dividends in 2016: $171.66
Total Dividends in 2015: $62.25
Increase YOY at Present: $109.41

Alright, so it's not the most that we've ever seen the Dividend Scythe pick up but it's still moving us forward on our way. Like I remind myself every month, it's the sum of the smaller parts that make up the great whole in the end. It's best not to lose sight of that.

That being said, I wanted to make sure to include the difference in this month's tally from the prior year to show just how far the portfolio has come from the year prior. This serves as a good indicator of whether or not we're heading in the right direction and I'm happy to say that it confirms good things. There is at this time a difference of $109.41 over the entire last year's passive income (and we've still got a few months to go!). Even though the $10.66 of income this month may seem small, it is a small piece of a much larger puzzle that is being put together.

Moving forward this month I really want to hone in on a good high yielding dividend stock. I know that there aren't many out there that have solid numbers but the portfolio has reached a point where it can take some chances to further fuel the ship into outer space. If you've got any ideas of where one might find this fuel, please leave your comment in the section below.


  1. Awesome month you have that dividend machine oiled and ready to go

  2. Nice to see some common names paying us both in August. I started to look at STAG recently and might want to add it to my collection of health REITs. I'd like to add a little more of a mix to my REIT holdings. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Just keep on keeping on! Slowly, but surely, your dividend snowball is going to pick up more and more and grow in size!

    All the best!

  4. Just found your blog keep up the good work. Seem like you had a pretty good month. Just keep a positive mind and continue to add to your portfolio, you will be dishing out dividends in no time. Good luck on your journey and looking forward to see you grow.
